
Friday, March 30, 2012

happy friday

don't let anything get in the way of having an incredible weekend, you guys!

this is living

let the madness begin. 
we take possession of our new house April 20.
making a short list of living room inspiration
for the first floor.
here are some of my faves.
common denominator?
exposed legs every time.

see my pinterest boards for sources


go see the wind map immediately.
it's beautiful, and hypnotic and based on science.
looks so soft and cozy in motion.

blown over at gizmodo.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

my drug of choice.

real time infographics...
data [coffee consumption] supplied and tracked by you.
this rules hard.

designed by column five.
and you can get your own.

perked at the fox is black.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

pack a flask.

yesterday, the moon. today, mountains.
from the same brilliant folks at tale co.
whiskey on the treacherous peaks, i'm in.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

drunk on the moon.

sake cups that show you the phases of the moon as you drink.
neato. from tale co.

sipped at the fox is black.

Monday, March 26, 2012

lost to the sea.

this waterscape is the result of 6 months of constant work.
500,000 fishhooks nailed to plywood by hand.
it's breathtaking.
from artist yoan capote.

just don't rub against it in the gallery.

hooked at gizmodo.

Friday, March 23, 2012


stained glass paper windows.
cut with lasers, from the mind of eric standley.
science and art make nice friends.

trimmed at beautiful decay.

Thursday, March 22, 2012



random notes:
neil degrasse tyson is a good human.
totally thought that was the death star at 2:20...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

mobile home.

this is nice.
you will like it.

built at le container.


i have a feeling these may come in handy. although i'm pretty sure
i can't afford to hand them out to everyone that deserves one.

and you can actually buy them for the low low price of 11 for 12.
from the mind of adam j. kurtz.

offended at lost at e minor.

Monday, March 19, 2012

military leaders.

if you don't love these, then you aren't my friend.

grand moff tarkin painted by terry cook.
admiral ackbar painted by steven daily.

you can put the admiral on your mantel.

Friday, March 16, 2012

light my fire.

these are incredible.
love the sketchy graphics, they end up quite charming.

plus damp proof tiger is a killer band name.
or super xxx.tiger for that matter.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


this may not be news to you but
we're in the process of buying a new house.
new to us anyway...
the current owner has accepted our offer
post-inspection and we're just wrapping up the final details.
i realize my excitement is preemptive.

we're also prepping our current house for sale in the meantime.
never a dull moment around here.

despite several efforts, i can't stop my mind from
racing through our new space.
how different the layout is and will be.
i simply can't focus on anything else.

the home design obsession is nothing new for me.
in middle school, i decided to use an iron
to steam my bedroom wallpaper off.
didn't necessarily go over well with my parents.
i was proud of my resourcefulness nonetheless.
[keep in mind this was 1987. no google. no cable tv.]
of course our 'starter' homes have been fun
but they never felt permanent.
we worked with what we had
making mostly cosmetic changes.
a process which is still very fun.
now, basically, the ultimate creative challenge
i've been waiting for my entire life is here.

hoping to share some of our plans here in the upcoming months.
bounce ideas off you. share the excitement.
that kind of thing.

whiskey goggles.

how many of my favorite things can you cram into one thing?
i guess the answer is four.

wooden sunglasses made from bushmills irish whiskey barrels.
that come with a tiny crowbar to pry them out of their little crate.

sadly, they are sold out. which means i'm jealous of all 100 owners.

carved at boingboing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

the bomb.

bizarre and addicting.
pick a place, pick a bomb, survey the blast.
maybe keep one of these handy.
it's good stress relief for wednesday.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

music halls.

the insides of instruments...
as beautiful as the sounds they make.
killer poster series for the berlin orchestra.

tuned at gizmodo.

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